Hurricane Cup Trophy

The Hurricane Cup Trophy: A chunk of blowdown from Hurricane Irene, which struck right after the last race of the 2011 season

Let’s have a “big wave” goodbye to GPYC’s 2012 sailing season with the last formal race, the Hurricane Cup, this Saturday, August 25.

The weather looks great, the location is great — all we need is you!

We’ll meet at the Witkins’ beach at the southern tip of Hoyt Island at 1:00 pm for a 2:00 race start. Food, beverages, trophy presentations, and more fun will follow the race.


We need to know how much food to buy.

RSVP - Yes! I'll Be There!    No, I'll have to pass.

If you need a tow out, please call Ben’s cell at (207) 318-5907.

Help Keep GPYC Afloat

Bring $7 per person to cover your cookout food and beverages — or, you can pay online conveniently and securely now or with a credit / debit card at the race.

Cookout $7 per person - Click here to pay through PayPal Membership Dues $50 per family - Click here to pay with PayPal

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